“Why fit in when you were born to stand out!”
Hi! My name is Erin Lang and, though I can’t stand on my own, I LOVE to stand out. I am 17 years old and was born with cerebral palsy and later diagnosed with autism. I LOVE baby dolls, reading books, playing Able Rec t-ball, horseback riding and just being around other people! I want to go to college someday and would love to work with children or be a bus monitor when I grow up. I love to dress up and can’t wait to be in the Spooky Duke! I hope I get to meet you there! My family has been involved with High Country Parent to Parent for over 2 years and involved in FSN in MA and NC since I was born. Mom says the emotional support and resources she has received through P2P have been invaluable and that we would not be as confident on this journey without their support! THANK YOU KAAREN HAYES AND P2P FOR ALL THAT YOU DO!!!